Surf Life Saving Sydney Junior Activities (Nippers) caters for more than 7,600 young “surf lifesavers in training”, delivered via our fifteen surf clubs from North Bondi to Burning Palms in the National Park. SLS Sydney Branch is Sponsored by Sydney Airport Corporation and this season celebrates thirteen years of working together.
Commonly known as “nippers”, these young members learn the following skills during their time at their local surf club.
- Lifesaving skills, CPR, and Surf Rescue skills
- Surf safety and awareness, including how to identify rips, waves and different beach types
- Surf Sports skills, such as how to catch a wave when swimming, paddling a board, board rescue, sprints and flags
- Personal development and leadership skills, including teamwork and improving self confidence
Making up over one third of our membership, nippers are not only our future, but they are our “young lifesavers in training”. Graduation at Nippers takes place in the U14’s, when they achieve their SLS Surf Rescue Certificate and then join a SLS Patrol Team at their Club.
Nippers covers the age groups from 5 to 13 years of age (need to be a minimum of 5 years of age as at October 1st to join), and is run between October and March at each of our Clubs. This usually occurs on a Sunday morning from around 8.45am for a couple of hours.
Nippers is about having fun while learning new skills and making new friends. You do not need to be an awesome swimmer to start, but some skill level will be required.
To find out how to become a nipper, check the website of any of our surf clubs and contact a club near you. Click here
Each club has a link to their Nippers section. Alternatively, please feel free to contact Doug Hawkins, Sydney Branch Director of Junior Development by email at
The Sydney Branch Office can also be contacted via phone 9019 0722 or email: for further information.
Season 2020 – 2021
Clubs are to please refer to SLSNSW website for all resources
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