
  • LEG 18-19

    Mar 8, 2019 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    SLSNSW has released Circular 3584 with information of the 2018/19 Lifesaving Equipment Grant.  Clubs are to email Branch Office by COB 2/4/19 with their list of items they wish to apply for. Branch will all

  • It’s on again 18-25 Enrichment Program

    Feb 28, 2019 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Surf Life Saving Sydney invites nominations for the 2019 Surf Life Saving Sydney 18-25 Enrichment Program. The program is designed to engage members, who have the potential to become future leaders and have an interest in growing within Surf Life Sav

  • Best Patrol Photo Competition 2018 – Winner Announcement

    Dec 21, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    To all our Clubs who submitted photos for the Best Patrol Photo competition, we thank you for your great photos.  The images received were fantastic and the Branch will be using these for various forms of exposure this season on social media, an

  • U13’s Development Camp another huge success

    Dec 10, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    78  U13’s attended our SLS Sydney Development Camp over the weekend, and had an awesome time learning new skills, making new friends, hearing some inspiring stories, and seeing what SLS can offer them as they look to become Surf Lifesavers

  • Successful Weekend 15-17 Development Program

    Dec 10, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    The SLSS Young Leaders showed maturity, insight and leadership qualities beyond their years. The future of our movement is in safe hands, we cannot speak higher of this group. These young adults should be proud of their contributions over the weekend