Carnivals & Surf Sports

  • Safeguarding young children in SLS

    Jun 15, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Surf Life Saving Sydney is proactively committed to adhering to and applying SLSA’s member Protection Policy to ensure the safeguarding of children and young people, under the age of 18, within our organisation. Surf Life Saving Sydney, in doin

  • Nominations are open for SLSS Surf Sports Committee positions season 2018-2019

    Apr 9, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Nominations for Surf Sports committee positions and EOIs for Advisor positions close at Branch office 11th May 2018. Nominations SLSS Surf Sports Committee Positions 2018-2019

  • SLSS Awards of Excellence Award Categories Circular 27

    Mar 16, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Nominations are open from Clubs for the various Award Categories as detailed in Branch Circular 27.  Closing date for nominations of award categories in this circular is COB 26th April 2018. Clubs are encouraged to submit one nomination per cate

  • Nominations for Surf Lifesaver of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Club of the Year (Circular 26)

    Mar 5, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    The Awards of Excellence recognises outstanding achievements and contributions in all aspects of Surf Life saving.  Branch has issued Circular 26 calling for nominations for the following 3 awards : Surf Lifesaver of the Year Volunteer of the Ye

  • EOI for the position of SLSS Director of Surf Sports

    Feb 14, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Wayne Druery will be standing down as Director of Surf Sports SLSS mid term. EOIs are now called for the mid-term vacancy. EOIs close 15/3/2018. Email to EOI for position of SLSS Director of Surf Sports