
  • Accolades for our members at the Branch Awards of Excellence

    May 29, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    On behalf of the Branch Board of Management and  members we congratulate all nominees, finalists and winners of the many awards presented at the Annual Sydney Branch Awards of Excellence held on 26/5/2018.  Our Clubs did themselves very pro

  • Bondi rescue awarded Branch ROM April 2018

    May 9, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Congratulations to Bondi SBLSC who has been awarded Branch Winner Rescue of the Month April 2018 for their rescue conducted on  Saturday 7 April 2018 at approximately 11.20 am . Members of the patrol were alerted to an elderly gentleman distress

  • Lifesaving Equipment Grant (LEG) 17-18

    Apr 20, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    The annual Lifesaving Equipmnent Grant (LEG) proudly funded by the NSW Government and facilitated by SLSNSW is once again open to all SLSNSW Clubs.  Please read the Branch Memo and SLSNSW Circular 3543 for all information. Sydney Branch Clubs ar

  • End of Season Education Meeting

    Apr 18, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    All Chief Training Officers, Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators are invited to the end of season Education meeting which is scheduled to be held on Sunday 20th May 2018  9am – 12 noon at Elouera SLSC.   RSVP by 14/5/18. Memo &#

  • Nominations and EOIs are open for SLSS LSEC positions season 2018-2019

    Apr 9, 2018 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Notice is hereby given that the pre selection meeting for various officer positions of the SLSS Lifesaving and Education Committee (LSEC) will be held Tuesday 8th May 2018 at 7pm.   Nominations and Expressions of interest are now open for p