
  • Clovelly member Zachary Wilde ROM Branch winner September

    Oct 16, 2020 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Congratulations to Clovelly SLSC member Zachary Wilde who has been recognised for Branch September Rescue of the Month winner. Zachary assisted a member of the public who had collapsed and struck his head on the pavement in the streets of Randwick on

  • SLSS monthly newsletter September 2020

    Oct 2, 2020 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    As shared with Clubs by email  1/10 here is the link for the SLSS September Monthly Newsletter  read here    

  • SRC BM Induction Session – additional session dates

    Sep 16, 2020 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    As per memo sent to Clubs and TAFs  today 16/9,  the Branch has scheduled 2 more session dates.  Please refer to memo for how to register and dates   here 

  • SAREX Randwick Area

    Sep 14, 2020 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Saturday 12 September marked the first district focused Search and Rescue exercise for club call-out teams and Support Operations resources. Working together, the exercise focused on familiarising and finessing their call-out processes and capabiliti

  • DO & RCOs preparing for season

    Sep 14, 2020 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    The season is just around the corner, with preparations well underway to ensure we are rescue ready and prepared for the season ahead. Saturday 12/9, the Surf Life Saving Sydney Duty Officer Team met for a preseason meeting and were fortunate enough