
  • TAE Trainers Courses 16-17

    Sep 5, 2016 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Dates and venues have been confirmed for the Branch Facilitated Trainers courses for the months of October, November, January and February.  All information is in Branch Circular 07.  Clubs are to register their candidates via the online registrati

  • Gear Inspection Thank you

    Sep 5, 2016 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Congratulations to all Clubs for their effort over the weekend with the annual gear inspection.  A task which is very important for the start of season to ensure all equipment is safe and ready for use by members once patrols commence. This year our

  • Pre Season Meeting for Clubs

    Aug 29, 2016 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    All clubs were represented at the annual Pre Season Lifesaving and Education Meeting held last weekend 27/8 at Maroubra.  Thank you to all for attending and to special guests from SLSNSW and to Kevin Weldon AM for his brilliant Little Ripper present

  • Sydney Branch members are winners at NSW State Awards of Excellence

    Aug 15, 2016 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Sydney Branch was well represented at the NSW State Awards of Excellence function on Saturday night at the Four Seasons with many nominees from our Clubs. Congratulations to all nominees and we are proud to announce and recognise the following State

  • TAF’s Professional Development

    Aug 5, 2016 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    SLSS will be holding the first compulsory Professional Development workshop as part of the four (4) step process for endorsement and re-endorsement of Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators (TAFs). 2 dates are available : Saturday 20th August 2016 or S