SLS Sydney News

  • Junior Activities Development Camps 15-16

    Sep 28, 2015 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Dates for the Branch Development Camps are : U13’s  4th – 6th December 2015 U11’s  29th – 31st January 2016 All information and  forms can be found below and also under forms from the front page of the Branch website. 1. De

  • Junior Development Committee Survey

    Sep 8, 2015 By Surf Live Saving Admin

  • Working with Children Workshops

    Sep 2, 2015 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Sydney Branch will be holding 2 Working with Children workshops. Please see attached Circular 10 for more information. Circular 10 – Working with Children Workshop 201503_SLSNSW_WWCC_Guidelines_Final

  • Pre Season Lifesaving & Education Meeting August 22nd 2015

    Jul 27, 2015 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Successful Pre Season meeting was held on 22/8/2015 for Clubs. Click here  Pre Season Lifesaving and Education Meeting August 2015 combined Presentations FINAL for a PDF version of the Power Point Presentation (General, Lifesaving, SOG, Education se

  • POM’s Season 2015-2016

    Jul 20, 2015 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    As per email sent to Club Captains on 16th July 2015, the Branch DOL asks Clubs to please review thier POM’s (Patrol Operations Manual) and advise of any required changes which need to be made to this document for the 15-16 season.  Changes to