Support Operations

  • SLSS Recognition – Presidents Medal Gordon McKirdy

    Apr 6, 2022 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Congratulations to Gordon McKirdy, Wanda Surf Life Saving Club who has been awarded the SLS Sydney Presidents Medal in recognition of his significant and outstanding voluntary service to SLSS. Gordon joined Wanda SLSC as a nipper in October 1976,

  • New Life Member for SLS Sydney – Doug Hawkins

    Apr 6, 2022 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Doug Hawkins – SLS Sydney’s newest Life member It is with great pleasure that the SLSS Branch Council voted unamiously to the elevation to Life Membership to Doug Hawkins Coogee SLSC for his distinguished service which is both sustained

  • Calling for nominations SLSS Officers and Committees Season 2022-2023

    Apr 5, 2022 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Notice is hereby given calling for the nominations and / or expressions of interest for the various positions of Surf Life Saving Sydney Inc for season 2022-2023. All information can be found in Circular 33 Closing Date for all Nominations and /


    Mar 29, 2022 By Surf Live Saving Admin

  • March 2022 Newseltter

    Mar 25, 2022 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    SLSS March 2022 newsletter has been published and distributed.  Can be view here