Latest News

  • Officials Welcome Function 15/10/2017

    Sep 20, 2017 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Invitation is extended to SLSS Officials, Carnival IRB Crews & Drivers and Carnival  ESO’s to attend Welcome Function to be held on Sunday 15th October 2017   – see flyer Welcome Function Invitation 2017

  • Sydney Branch Carnivals 17-18

    Sep 15, 2017 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Officials are invited to nominate for Sydney Branch Carnivals 17-18 Season. A welcome letter from SLSS Director of Surf Sports Wayne Druery has also been sent to all our officials . See below for links. Officials Welcome Back letter 2017-2018 Season&

  • SLSS Guide for Carnival Organisers

    Sep 11, 2017 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Surf Sports Committee has produced a Guide for our Clubs who will be conducting carnivals this season. Version 1 of the document can be found SLSS Guide for Carnival Organisers

  • EOIs for SLSS Gear and Equipment Review Panel

    Sep 8, 2017 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Sydney Branch is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced and qualified members to form part of a Gear and Equipment review panel for 17-18.  Memo – EOI Gear and Equipment Review Panel EOIs are to be emailed to Branch by C

  • TAF Professional Development 2017

    Sep 5, 2017 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Professional Development workshop/s are part of the four (4) step process for endorsement and re-endorsement of  Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators (TAFs).   Attending a TAF PD workshop is required once every 2 years.  Two dates have