All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Skills Maintenance & Assessment Date Planning 15-16

Sydney Branch is committed to communicating with Clubs and Services and being as flexible as possible in relating to the setting of dates for the the annual Skills Maintenance as well as for new award assessment dates.
Clubs are required to complete the  ‘Proficiency Skills Maintenance Dates’ Request form and return to Branch Office by COB Friday 28th August 2015.
Clubs/Area Education Supervisors need to negiotate new award Assessment dates and the Area Education Supervisor is required to complete and return the ‘Award Assessment Dates’ Request form to the Branch Office by COB Friday 28th August 2015.

Please refer to Branch Circular 07 for more information.

Circular 07 – Skills Maintenance & Assessment Date Planning Season 2015-2016

Risk Assessment Email for Training & Education

As per email advice to Clubs, CTO’s, Captains and Assessors April 2015, the Branch has set up a generic email address for clubs to use for all Training & Education Risk Assessments.
Please send all future risk assessments to this email address, please note that all risk assessments are still to be sent regardless if the assessment was conducted, postponed, moved or cancelled.