All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Sydney Branch Awards of Excellence Nominations – Extension of Closing Date BOSS/BJD/Admin

Sydney Branch have today 27/4 advised all Clubs by email of extension of closing date for Surf Sports, Junior Development and Admin category nominations for the Branch Awards of Excellence – new closing date COB Monday 4th May 2015.
No further extension will be made past this new date.

Circular 25a – SLS Sydney Branch Awards of Excellence – Nominations Now Open

Closing date for Lifesaving Category Award Nominations 3rd April 2015

Closing date for Admin/BJD/Surf Sports Award Nominations 30th April 2015

Sydney Branch Lifesaver of the Year & Volunteer of the Year Nominations now open

Nominations have now closed and are being considered by Branch.Thank you to the Clubs who submitted nominations and all the best to the nominees. Nominees will be advised further on process.

Clubs are invited to nominate members for these prestigious awards of Lifesaver of the Year and/or Volunteer of the Year.  Details of criteria and nomination form can be found in Branch Circular 24 . Extension of closing date as advised to Clubs.  New closing date COB 18th March 2015
Circular 24 – Sydney Branch Lifesaver and Volunteer of the Year Awards – Nominations Now Open
Nomination Form Word Version 14-15

Coogee Open Carnival – 7th February 2015

Coogee Open Carnival, Incorporating Sydney Branch Masters and Patrol and Lifesaving Championships will be held on Saturday 7th February 2015.
Branch Open events to be held at the Coogee Carnival will be:
# Under 15’s Tube Race
# Under 17’s Tube Race
# Under 19’s Rescue Tube Resuce
# Open’s Rescue Tube Resuce
# Under 17’s Belt Race
# Under 19’s Belt Race
# Open’s Belt Race
Please see Program and Flyer for more details  Coogee Open Carnival Flyer and Program 2015