All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

BJD Development Camps 14-15

U13’s  Development Camp 28th November 2014 – 30th November 2014

U11’s Development Camp 30th January 2015 – 1st February 2015

Age Manager Courses

Sydney Branch BJD will be holding Age Manager Courses on the following dates.  Clubs are asked to RSVP attendees names to BJD Secretary Donna Hargreaves.
Tuesday 21st October (East)  @ Maroubra Seals Club
Wednesday 29th October (Bate Bay) @ Tradies Gymea

Gear Inspection 2014

The annual gear inspection was conducted 30/31st August. Thank you to Clubs and Gear Inspection Panel members for their time completing this task. Clubs are reminded to ensure that you now complete the Surfguard actions of your Gear & Equipment prior to 17/9/2014 as part of compliancy requirements.  All re-inspects need to be completed before patrols commence. Contact your area Lifesaving Supervisor to complete your re-inspects of equipment.