All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Members Services Club Planning Forum 2022-23

SLS Sydney is planning to have a Member Services Forum for all Sydney Clubs and their MS teams on June 25th 2022.  EOIs are open from Clubs as per Circular 39/21-22

Each club has a maximum of 3 spots available to them, an ideal example of attendees to put forward would be Members Services Director, Youth Coordinator and 1 other from the above list. This
way you can return to your clubs and share the information with your Members Services teams and clubs.

ROM April Branch Winner – Surf Rescue 30 & RWC Operator

Congratulations to the following members of Surf Rescue 30, Doug Lucas, Darren Tannock, William Davison, Marcus Karozis and RWC Ski Operator Rachelle (Coco) McCarthy who have been awarded Branch Rescue of the Month for April 2022.
On Friday 15th April 2022  at approximately 3.20pm Surf Rescue 30 received a tasking from Sydney 10 requesting attendance at Yellow Rock Malabar in relation to a possible medical incident on the rocks.
Rescue 30 were on scene within two minutes and identified a person on the rock shelf needing assistance. SR30 with the assistance of Support Ski 3operator Coco McCarthy were able to get their highly trained crew to the rock shelf to assist with a medical assessment. At the time swell conditions were tricky with about a 1.5m ESE swell and a low tide meaning the climb onto the rocks was difficult due to the moss and slippery conditions. PolAir – NSW Police Force Airwing, winched a crewman from the helicopter onto the rocks in an attempt to provide medical treatment to the 50-year-old male patient suffering from severe pain and spasm through his back and was unable to move. The patient was with his 20-year-old son who were both at the time rock fishing. PolAir were unable to assist and left the scene requesting Toll to attend. Toll Ambulance Rescue winched a crewman on to the rock shelf where the patient was administered medication to relieve the pain. During this process the crew of SR30 stayed with the patient comforting him and updating SR30 and SurfCom of the conditions. The patient was winched to a nearby park where they were transferred to hospital.  SR30 then assisted the son to climb from the rock shelf himself to the top with awaiting paramedics and police. Support Ski 3 safely returned the SR30 crewmen to the vessel at 5.20pm. It was very pleasing to see that both rock fishermen were wearing lifejackets and had cleats on their shoes with stability on the rocks.
Please remember to stay safe on
the rocks and in the water this Easter.!

ROM March Branch Winner – North Bondi

Congratulations to North Bondi members David Freedman, Michael Nearhos, Kate Meller and Michael Boland who have been recognised as Branch Rescue of the Month Winners March 2022 for rescue on 26/3/22.
Michael Nearhos and Kate Meller were both walking along the boardwalk, separately to one another and not on patrol at the time, but both happened to be passing by the clubhouse at around 10:30 AM when they noticed that a member of the public, who looked unusually pale, was sitting outside the clubhouse with Patrol 8 Vice Captain David Freedman, who was on patrol at the time. The person in question was in her 70’s and did not appear to be fully conscious. Michael Nearhos suggested that the patient should be carried to the first aid room, while Kate called 000 for an ambulance. At this point PC Michael Boland appeared and proceeded to do FAST checks and put the patient on Oxygen and Pulse Oximeter.  Measures looked reasonable but the patient was delirious and drifting in and out of consciousness. The ambulance was updated as to the patient’s deteriorating condition, so Kate was instructed to count breaths to ambulance officer, who increased the urgency of the callout. Michael Nearhos took what details he could from the patient, noting that she was allergic to morphine, had heartburn and had taken Gaviscon. At this point Michael decided that the symptoms seemed very similar to those of a cardiac incident. At this point Michael Boland took charge as the ambulance arrived and the patient’s condition deteriorated significantly. Due to the rapid deterioration of the patient’s condition, Michael Boland decided that it was appropriate to place defibrillator pads on the patient and place her on Oxygen as her Oxygen Saturation level dropped to 40% from an initial measure of 90%. An intensive care paramedic then arrived and attempted to stabilise patient with medication, ultimately deciding to immediately rush the patient to hospital, where her condition eventually stabilised due to the early intervention of the North Bondi SLSC Patrollers. The ambulance officers contacted the SLSS duty officer to note that this situation was truly “touch and go” and that had they not intervened, it was highly likely the patient would not have survived. As always, North Bondi patrollers were Ready, Aye Ready!