All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

SLSS Recognition – Presidents Medal Gordon McKirdy

Congratulations to Gordon McKirdy, Wanda Surf Life Saving Club who has been awarded the SLS Sydney Presidents Medal in recognition of his significant and outstanding voluntary service to SLSS.

Gordon joined Wanda SLSC as a nipper in October 1976, after gaining his BM award he completed 13 years of patrol service, Patrol Captain and many positions within Wanda Club.

Gordons’ passion for Surf Sports and in particular R & R has been since 2002 and today he is a Level 2 Surf Official. He was recognised by his peers as Sydney Branch Official of the Year on two occasions.

Gordon has been appointed as Sectional Referee R & R for over 18 years at our Branch Championships. He has mentored numerous officials and coaches and has been responsible for the very close relationship with R & R officials from Sydney Northern Beaches Branch and ours and many other surf clubs throughout Australia. As an R & R coach he has been awarded numerous medals at Branch, 18 Gold at State Championships and 8 Gold at Aussies. That is recognition for elite coaching!

Gordon willingly shares his knowledge, experience and passion for SLS and it is most fitting that SLS award Gordon the Presidents Medal for his outstanding voluntary service. Congratulations Gordon.


New Life Member for SLS Sydney – Doug Hawkins

Doug Hawkins – SLS Sydney’s newest Life member

It is with great pleasure that the SLSS Branch Council voted unamiously to the elevation to Life Membership to Doug Hawkins Coogee SLSC for his distinguished service which is both sustained and has provided a conspicuous contribution to SLS.

Doug joined Coogee SLSC in 2000 when his Children joined nippers and has been involved at Club and Branch level since. Doug has been a member of the SLSS JD Committee for 18 years and in those years he has been involved and instrumental in the success of the JD Camps which has seen in excess of 2,500 members attend. Doug has been actively involved in presenting higher awards for the Branch for many years and is very active as an endorsed Trainer, Assessor and Facilitator. Doug was involved in the introduction of the Age Manager Course which has since been implement by the Association.
Doug held the position of SLSS Director Junior Development for 13 years, Junior Development Camp Coordinator for 12 years and is currently in the role of Director Member Services.

Doug’s passion, commitment and enthusiam for Surf Life Saving is to be admired. Recognition of elevation to Life Membership of Sydney Branch is well deserved. Congratulations Doug.

Calling for nominations SLSS Officers and Committees Season 2022-2023

Notice is hereby given calling for the nominations and / or expressions of interest for the various positions of Surf Life Saving Sydney Inc for season 2022-2023.
All information can be found in Circular 33
Closing Date for all Nominations and / or expressions of interest is 15/5/2022 via the jotform link provided within the Circular.