All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Wanda members recognised ROM February 2021

Congratulations to members of Wanda SLSC who have been recognised for rescue conducted 19 February 2021 at Greenhills and are the Branch Winner for February 2021.
Members Adam Buckley, Natalie Buckley,  Mark Lloyd, Brett Porteous, Peter Burst.
On Friday 19 February at approximately 6.30 pm members of Wanda were preparing IRB craft for their club carnival scheduled for the following morning. The Council Lifeguards had signed off for the day.  A man came running up from the beach where the members were setting up IRB equipment. He reported that there were four young boys floating out to sea at Greenhills.  Wanda members Adam Buckley and Peter Burst quickly jumped into the SSV and drove north 700 metres from from the Clubhouse.  Members Mark Lloyd and Brett Porteous  launched an IRB which was already set up ready and made their way out through around 4 foot heavy surf and headed north to Greenhills.  Adam  and Peter  were at this stage on the beach with the family and young football team who had been training on the beach. They were able to ascertain that there had been 5 boys that had gone quickly into a very strong rip.  Three of the boys who were decent swimmers quickly realised they were heading out to sea were able to swim back to shore. The other two boys continued to be swept further out to sea some 150 metres offshore and had separated  from each other and were bobbing in a very messy hole at the back of the rip.  As the IRB arrived a surfer was desperately trying to get to both the boys but it was a strong current basically going in all directions. The Wanda IRB were able to get to the boys and effect an efficient rescue and return the boys safely to the shore.
Well done to all involved on a successful out of hours emergency situation which resulted positively for all involved.

SLSS 15-17’s Young Leaders Program – EOIs are open

Nominations are now open for the above program, and we ask clubs to look towards their young members and use this program as a way of recognising those members who have qualities which can be developed to enhance their future and that of Surf Lifesaving.
The program will be held over a weekend Friday 30 April – Sunday 2 May 2021 at ‘The Tops’ conference centre, Stanwell Park.
Nominations close Thursday 1st April 2021.
Please refer to Circular 43 for more details.