All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Updating HLTAID001 for BM/SRC Trainers and Assessors

The adoption of the new curriculum for the Surf Rescue Certificate and Bronze Medallion has introduced additional requirements for our Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators (TAFs).
All TAFs for SRC and Bronze must hold a current Provide CPR (HLTAID001) award. This is usually obtained with a Provide First Aid course, but only has a 12 month validity. Without this award, TAFs cannot be placed on an Assessment Request for SRC or Bronze, so cannot train or assess. Although we do a CPR component during the annual Skills Maintenance, this is unfortunately not sufficient to update the HLTAID001 award.
Sydney Branch is asking for your assistance with updating this award for TAFs in your club.     click here to read memo sent to Clubs


Clovelly member Zachary Wilde ROM Branch winner September

Congratulations to Clovelly SLSC member Zachary Wilde who has been recognised for Branch September Rescue of the Month winner. Zachary assisted a member of the public who had collapsed and struck his head on the pavement in the streets of Randwick on 11 September 2020. Zachary is a 16 year old BM holder who took control of the situation assisting the unconscious patient with care and support till the ambulance took the patient away some 40 minutes later. The accolades Zach received from bystanders, local business is a credit to this young man and the skills learnt as a Surf Lifesaver. Well done Zach.