All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

SAREX Randwick Area

Saturday 12 September marked the first district focused Search and Rescue exercise for club call-out teams and Support Operations resources.
Working together, the exercise focused on familiarising and finessing their call-out processes and capabilities.
The exercise was held at Gordon’s Bay and involved UAV’s, Inflatable Rescue Boats, Surf Rescue 30, Rescue Water Craft and our Duty Officer Team. Randwick City Council Lifeguards also participated in the exercise.
This initiative will continue to be rolled out across the SLSS Areas this season and no doubt will be enjoyed and prove valuable to all participants as it did on Saturday!

DO & RCOs preparing for season

The season is just around the corner, with preparations well underway to ensure we are rescue ready and prepared for the season ahead.
Saturday 12/9, the Surf Life Saving Sydney Duty Officer Team met for a preseason meeting and were fortunate enough to have presentations from officers attached to Eastern Beaches Police Area Command and Marine Area Command.
These duty officers often work hand in hand with the NSW Police and other emergency services throughout the season and this collaboration and familiarisation session will prove invaluable when responding to coastal emergencies.
Thank you to our guest speakers on the day!
Marine Area Command – NSW Police Force
Eastern Beaches Police Area Command
NSW Police Force

New SRC BM Induction Session

SLS Sydney Education Manager will be delivering via Zoom on Wednesday 9 September a session of the New SRC / BM Induction for award training.  All TAFs must complete an induction session to be able to deliver the new SRC/BM award training this season. Details of how to register for this session can be found in Branch Memo here

Congratulations to members honoured SLSNSW AOE 2020

Congratulations to all our Branch finalists for the SLSNSW Awards of Excellence 2020.  Sydney Branch had finalists in every category who were all worthy of recognition.  We were successful with the following State Winners :
Trainer of the Year – Doug Hawkins, Coogee SLSC
Innovation of the Year – North Bondi SLSC for their ADF Pilot BM course
Rescue of the Year – Bronte SLSC for the rescue conducted 1st February 2020
Youth Athlete of the Year – Noah Steiner, Wanda SLSC
Congratulations everyone.