All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

SMAR courses are scheduled for May and June 2019

As per advice to all Clubs,  the Branch will be conducting 2 Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue Award Courses during May and June 2019.  Club Captains are asked to seek interest from within their Patrol Teams for suitable candidates to be registered for this award course.  All details of the course can be found in Circular 26
Members interested should contact their Club Captain to discuss.

TAE Trainers Courses May 2019

As per circular 25, Branch has scheduled two TAE Trainers courses to be conducted during May 2019 at 2 locations to assist Clubs . We encourage Club CTOs to be proactive in seeking members for this course. Circular 25
Closing date for registrations is 29/3/2019 using the online form link provided in the Circular. 

North Cronulla awarded Branch Rescue of the Month February 2019

Congratulations to North Cronulla SLSC and in particular Patrol Team 7 and Sutherland Lifeguards who with the support of other services performed a mass rescue after a sandbank collapsed on Sunday 17 February involving over 50 people rescued.  This outstanding multiple rescue was conducted over an approximate time period of approximately 15 minutes.  Due to the actions on the day of the Patrol, thankfully all rescued people were returned to their families on this day.  Congratulations to all involved on an outstanding display of lifesaving skills and in turn a reflection of why Surf Clubs exist to keep the community safe. 

The Branch also wishes to acknowledge the nominations from Wanda, Coogee and Bondi Clubs who also conducted outstanding rescues during the month of February.  Congratulations to all your members involved.

LEG 18-19

SLSNSW has released Circular 3584 with information of the 2018/19 Lifesaving Equipment Grant.  Clubs are to email Branch Office by COB 2/4/19 with their list of items they wish to apply for.
Branch will allocate as per our allocated funding for the Grant and submit to SLSNSW by 18/4/19.
By 7/5/19 State will review funding applications and make purchases and coordinate deliveries. Branch will advise each Club of the items which they have been successful to receive by letter.

Memo – Lifesaving Equipment Grants 2018-2019

Circular 3584 – 2019 Lifesaving Equipment Grant_0