All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Digital Radio Network Feedback via Survey

As per email to Club Captains 23/1/2017

Surf Lifesaving Sydney is currently seeking feedback from Clubs and Services relating to the new Digital Network and SurfCom to ensure patrol needs are suitably met.  Could you please complete the below short survey and submit by Friday 27th January 2017. Please be factual and objective in your response providing as much detail as possible.We ask for ONE response per Club/Service only please.

Clovelly SLSC ROM Branch Winner December

Congratulations to Clovelly SLSC and in particular members of Patrol 8 who have been awarded Sydney Branch Rescue of the Month Winner for the month of December.  The rescue took place on 4 December on the northern cliffs at Clovelly.
Sydney Branch acknowleges the efforts of other nominations – North Bondi rescue conducted 25th December and North Cronulla rescue conducted 26th December.  All members involved in these rescues are to be commended on their efforts.

SurfCom radioed Patrol 8 requesting assistance with a person who had fallen off the northern cliff face at Clovelly. The request was to mobilize our IRB to lend assistance to locate the person. Within 2 minutes Clovelly had mobilized their IRB with “Chrisco” (Lifeguard) on duty and had travelled to the northern cliff face at Clovelly. Patrol Captain Brett McCormick mobilized a northern rove to assist the incident. Radio contact was maintained at all times between IRB, Patrol Captain and northern rove. On reaching the northern cliff a Policeman signalled to the IRB, pointing out where the patient was situated as it wasnt  visible from the ocean due to the treacherous conditions. James Dorney (IRBD) and Ben Carney (IRBC) were able to drop ‘Chriso’ close to a rock platform. ‘Chriso’ was able to scramble up onto the rock platform. The radio reports were that the patient probably hadnt survived the fall. Once in position the Lifeguard was able to check the patient and confirm she was alive. He administered first aid to the patent (who had a broken ankle) while SurCcom dispatched the helicopter for paitent pick up and return to ambulance waiting in Burrow park.

Sydney Members receive SLSNSW Life Membership honours

 Sydney Branch President George Shales and all members within the Branch send their sincerest congratulations to the following Sydney Branch members who have today recieved the honour of SLSNSW Life Membership :
Peter Agnew ESM, North Bondi 
John De Cean, Wanda/Bondi
Peter Kirkwood, Maroubra