All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Surf Rescue 30 ROM October Branch Winner

Congratulations to Surf Rescue 30 who have been today awarded Sydney Branch Winner for Rescue of the Month October 2016 for their rescue conducted on 22 October at Yellow Rock.
Skipper Brad Taylor, Driver Nick Reilly, Crewman Callum Good and Jon Kilbane at around 1415 hours were patrolling north from Long Bay along the beaches. As there was a 2 metre swell running and a strong SE wind they went wide past Yellow Rock to avoid the wash. The crew spotted two divers about 500 metres off Yellow Rock out to sea. SR30 doubled back to investigate and as they got closer noticed the divers had activated their distress buoys. 
Click  surf-rescue-30-rom-nomination-october-2016  to read full story of rescue.  


Congratulations also to South Maroubra  members Nixy Krite, Ronny Krite and William Spear who were also nominated and considered for this months ROM for their rescue at South Maroubra on 30/10/2016.


ALBERT Program (IRB upskilling weekend)

EOIs have closed and Clubs and Participants have been advised of their acceptance to attend this program. LSEC is looking forward to a successful first ALBERT program for the Branch which will hopefully lead to more to follow.

ALBERT program will be conducted at Garie Beach on weekend of 10th & 11th December 2016.

EOI close at Branch 5pm 17th November 2016 via survey monkey

Clubs can submit up to maximum 5  members who are  – proficient IRB crew or Drivers and  are also current season financial members

All information can be found in Circular 15 and ALBERT flyer 

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