All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

15-16 Lifesaving Equipment Grant (LEG)

The Lifesaving Equipment Grant is once again available through SLSNSW to Clubs and Branches. This grant is proudly supported by the NSW Government, to assist clubs purchasing new equipment to ensure Lifesaving rescue equipment is an acceptable standard through the state.

Applications from Clubs close at Branches by Friday 15th April 2016

All information is in the State Circular 3444


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Quality Clubs Workshop & Information Session

Thank you to those Clubs who attended the workshop, we trust that you found this helpful to assist your Club in progressing the Club Quality Program.  Thank you to  Brett Quince SLSNSW for his attendance.
This workshop and information session to set to provide club officers more detailed information and tips to successfully navigate and complete the Bronze Level of the Quality Club Program.

Date : Saturday 16th April 2016  9am to 1pm at the Branch Office – morning tea and lunch will be provided.
RSVP by 14th to Branch Office.
Circular 37 – Quality Clubs Workshop & Information Session April 2016

Multicultural Aquatic Safety Event

A great day was held and thanks are extended to the members of North Bondi, Maroubra and Surf Rescue 30 for their participation in the day.  Photos are on the branch face book page.

Surf Life Saving Sydney is participating in a ‘Multicultural Youth and Families’ event being organised by NSW Government Department of Primary Industries. The event is designed to engage with a section of our community, who are over-represented in aquatic incidents in our region, particularly associated with rock fishing and surf environments.
The event is on Saturday 16th April 2016 at Cook Park and Ramsgate Beach. We are seeking support from clubs in the form of 2 teams of surf lifesavers in patrol uniform each team being active for about 3 hours.
Please refer to circular 36 for more information.
Circular 36 – Multicultural Aquatic Safety Event


LSEC Structure Review Workshops

The LSEC Executive will be conducting a number of workshops to present the proposed LSEC Management Structure. This review has been conducted by the Executive to ensure Lifesaving and Education remain both relevant and current to the membership.

2 sessions will be held as follows :
Tuesday 29th March  6.30 pm at Maroubra SLSC
Wednesday 30th March  7pm at Elouera SLSC

Refer to memo Memo – LSEC Structure Review Workshops
