Latest News

  • SLSS July newsletter

    Jul 26, 2021 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    The July Branch Newsletter has been distributed  download here

  • HLTAID Upgrades for ARTC TAFs

    Jul 21, 2021 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    There is a new version(5) of the ARTC course being released shortly which incorporates the HLTAID015 award (in place of HLTAOD007). In order to deliver the new course in the near future, current ARTC TAFs will need to obtain the following units of co

  • UAV Operations and Welcome Season 21-22

    Jul 21, 2021 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    In readiness for season 21-22 here is a welcome from UAV Coordinator James McLennan  Memo 

  • SLS Sydney Pre-season Club Conference

    Jul 20, 2021 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    Season 21/22 Pre-Season Club Conference  9am-2pm Saturday  21 August  Special Note: Presentation format will be guided by COVID-19 Rules from NSW Government Purpose: To align, share, inform, challenge and activate positi

  • SMBM Course August 2021

    Jul 14, 2021 By Surf Live Saving Admin

    As per Clrcular 04 Branch has scheduled 3 x SMBM courses for the first half of season 2021-22.  EOIs from Clubs are open for the August 2021 course – closing date 30/7/2021.  All information and dates can be read in circular.  Me