All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Rescue conducted 5 February – Branch ROM monthly winner

On 5 February 2023 around 3pm, a mass rescue took place at North Cronulla. It was 26 degrees sunny and humid with a good attendance at all Bate Bay beaches. The swell was between 1 to 1.5 metres at a 10 second interval and wind 13kph from the east. There were many banks and rips all the way along the Bate Bay beaches resulting in dangerous conditions for swimmers when they ventured outside the flagged areas.  Around 3pm the North Cronulla Patrol Captain spotted a large group of people in distress as they were swept off a bank on the end of the northern patrol flag and initiated a Mass Rescue call to SurfCom.

A collective of responders from Elouera, North Cronulla, RWC Operators, Duty Officers and  Sutherland Shire Lifeguards were involved in the quick response, dedication and excellent collaboration of volunteers and lifeguards working together during this mass rescue.

Sydney Branch recognises thoses involved on this day as the Branch Winner for February 2023 Rescue of the Month.
Full details of the rescue can be read   here

SLSS 2023 AOE nominations are open for Clubs

Circular 32   has been issued to Clubs, with information on the nomination process, criteria and award categories for the SLS Sydney Awards of Excellence.

Key Dates :
1 March 2023 – Branch Circular with nomination form, criteria and categories issued
7 March 2023 – Branch Circular re information session will be issued
14 March 2023 – Information session will be held via teams|
20 April 2023 – nominations close 11.59 pm

Any queries, please contact Branch Office or Doug Hawkins, Director Member Services.

20 May 2023 – SLSS Branch AOE Function – Randwick Racecourse