All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

Bondi rescue awarded Branch ROM April 2018

Congratulations to Bondi SBLSC who has been awarded Branch Winner Rescue of the Month April 2018 for their rescue conducted on  Saturday 7 April 2018 at approximately 11.20 am . Members of the patrol were alerted to an elderly gentleman distressed face down in the sand groaning situated approximately 50 metres away from patrol area.  Full details of successful resuscitation can be read here 
BSBLSC April REscue of the month nomination-signed
BSBLSC April Rescue of the month nomination WORD DOC


Vale: Harry Brown OAM

It with sadness that we advise of the passing of Sydney Branch Life Member Harry Brown OAM. Harry’s contribution and involvement in Surf Life Saving is legendary and one that can only be admired for the tenure he has given to our organisation at every level, a Life Member of North Cronulla, Sydney Branch, NSW and SLSA.
Surf Life Saving Sydney members extend our deepest sympathies to Harry’s family and of course the North Cronulla Surf Club Family.
SLS has lost a stalwart of the association. Funeral arrangements will be advised. RIP Harry Brown OAM.

Harold John Brown OAM

Vale Geoffrey Martin OAM and Leslie Hardy

The Surf Life Saving Family has been saddened over the weekend with the passing of 2 outstanding gentleman. 
Geoffrey Martin OAM  Long Service Member Coogee SLSC 
Les Hardy Life Member Elouera SLSC

These gentleman have collectively given 110 years of service to our great organisation involved in all areas of SLS. A record of involvement and contribution which our membership has reaped the benefits.   

To  Families and Friends we extend our deepest sympathy.
RIP Geoffrey Martin OAM
RIP Leslie Hardy

Gone but never forgotten.

Funeral Arrangements :

Les Hardy :   Monday 30th April – South Chapel Woronora     1.00pm all welcome. Club members and friends, are invited to join the family afterwards in the Washington Lounge @ Elouera Surf Club  

Geoffrey Martin OAM :  Thursday 3rd May – St Brigid’s Coogee  11am.   Afterwards to Coogee SLSC


Lifesaving Equipment Grant (LEG) 17-18

The annual Lifesaving Equipmnent Grant (LEG) proudly funded by the NSW Government and facilitated by SLSNSW is once again open to all SLSNSW Clubs.  Please read the Branch Memo and SLSNSW Circular 3543 for all information.
Sydney Branch Clubs are to email Branch office by COB Monday 14 May 2018 with there equipment items the club wishes to apply for.
Branch will confirm back to clubs of successful items once Branch has been advised of approval.
Memo – Lifesaving Equipment Grants 2017-2018
Circular 3543 – 2017-18 Lifesaving Equipment Grant (LEG)