Higher awards courses have been scheduled for October and November 2015. Members interested for these courses need to contact their Club CTO to discuss their eligibility and registration.
All information for these courses can be found on Branch website under Circulars – refer Circular 11 TAE Trainers Course, Circular 12 TAE Assessors Course
All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin
Sydney Branch Beach Carnival
Sydney Branch are holding a Beach Carnival for U14’s to Masters on 24th October 2015 at Maroubra Beach.
Beach Carnival Flyer
Junior Activities Development Camps 15-16
Dates for the Branch Development Camps are :
U13’s 4th – 6th December 2015
U11’s 29th – 31st January 2016
All information and forms can be found below and also under forms from the front page of the Branch website.
1. Dev Camp Overview
2. Dev Camp U13’sU11’s Schedule 2015-2016
3. Dev Camp Admin Schedule
4. Dev Camp Info for Minders
6. BJD Dev Camp 11’s Application
7. BJD Dev Camp U13’s Application
8. DeerPark_A4_Key_HiRez
Memo – Official Nominations for 2015/16
Nominations are now open for Official Carnival Appointments. Please see attached memo and Renewal form if you do on wish to register on line.
Memo – Official Nominations
Officials RENEWAL FORM – September 2015
Interbranch Team Package 2015
Sydney Branch are now calling for nominations for Interbranch Team 2015. Please find attached Information Package.
EAP Mini Carnival will be held on Sunday 25th October 2015 at Wanda commencing 1:45pm.
Interbranch Team Package 2015