All posts by Surf Live Saving Admin

JDC Pre Season Meeting August 2019

Sydney Branch will be conducting its annual JDC Pre Season Meeting on Sunday 25 August 2019  2pm – 4.30pm – venue : The Juniors at Maroubra, cnr Anzac Parade & Haig Street, Maroubra 2035.  Palm Room.  Parking is available opposite the Club in Anzac Parade.
 For all information relating to this important meeting for Nippers, please refer to Branch Circular 10  download here
SLSS JDC Committee looks forward to all Clubs being present on the day.

Branch Facilitated Courses Calendar Season 2019-2020

To assist clubs with planning for higher awards for their members, the Branch has set course dates for season 2019-2020 and is available to view  here 
This is a living document and clubs are asked to only register their candidates for courses when the Branch Circular for that course is issued.  We thank our Facilitators for their time in delivering these courses.

Skills Maintenance & Assessment Dates Requests for Season 2019-2020

Branch has today distributed Circular 09 to clubs requesting dates for the new season for Clubs Skills Maintenance (proficiencies) and  Area New Award Assessment dates.
Closing date for return of this information to Branch Office is by 23 August 2019.
Attachment 1 Circular 09 Skills Maintenance (proficiency) Dates Request Form

Attachment 2 Circular 09 Award Assessment Dates Request Form